This is a great site for exploring and gaining entry is evident after a bit of searching.
Todays party consisted of myself, Bro, Roz and a lovely clear, sunny day. Once in, I went on a solo explore as Bro & Roz got a bit touchy and decided to chill on the staircase. I got lost in the damp basement
: but eventually surfaced in a different part of the hospital. I looked out the window to see Bro shouting up at me "There's a Man!!" with a concerned look on his face. I thought he meant security but he turned out to be the gardener and after a friendly 'hello' we had a chat about the place. Turns out it is now owned by St Andrews golf club who plan to turn it into accomadation.
Overall a good explore
with plenty of nooks and grannies but all the original stuff is slowly going and with signs of loads of work getting done this site won't be available for much longer.
The Front.
The Side.
Roof room.
Channel changer.
Main hall.
Under the chair.
Scary pipe room.
Todays party consisted of myself, Bro, Roz and a lovely clear, sunny day. Once in, I went on a solo explore as Bro & Roz got a bit touchy and decided to chill on the staircase. I got lost in the damp basement

Overall a good explore

The Front.
The Side.
Roof room.
Channel changer.
Main hall.
Under the chair.
Scary pipe room.
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