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Report - Doveleys Manor, Staffordshire - November 2024

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Doveleys Manor, Staffordshire - November 2024

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Doveleys Manor (originally ‘Dove Leys’) is situated between the East Staffordshire villages of Ellastone and Rocester next to the River Dove - hence the name I suppose! The manor as it stands today was mostly rebuilt in 1875 and was lived in by the Heywood family until 1946 when the house was put up for sale. After this time it was purchased by the Abbotsholme School and became the Doveleys School for Boys with accommodation for up to 104 pupils, aged between 12 and 15. In 1973 the school became a Community Home with Education under control of Staffordshire County Council until closure in 1988. Since then the estate has been used as a hotel, golf course and finally a garden centre until it closed permanently at the end of 2016.

Was out having a nice autumnal walk along the River Dove and remembered I’d seen some gooners poking around here on Facebook so went for a look while nearby.

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After this I took a wander up to Calwich Abbey but immediately got stink-eye from some men in the yard so I pretended I was there to photograph autumnal trees instead...

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Some unexpectedly nice decay in there, the outside looks much tidier than the interior is but I like it that way.
very well captured.

Edit - yh I looked at Calwich early this year people all over the place & guys living in the caravan.
The Gazebo on the river is unusual though.

Also got accosted by Jehovah witnesses walking down that track :rofl


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely shots, nice features and decay. That electrical panel half way through the shots with the gauges is very nice.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
This looked very well kept from externals, I wasn't expecting so much decay. I like it though. The mix of hard and soft areas is the best of both. Nice photos. Looks a decant area too.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Brilliant post!
I went there a few years back, nice to see its pretty similar. I stumbled across some some sad stories online from the days when it was a school. Beautiful place that had a lot of hidden darkness.

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