The Visit
One from a visit a few months ago, accompanied by @Sheard - it’s taken me a long time to get around to visiting here, but it was worth the wait, both for the novel caged infalls and the roomy tunnels. Always loved the name of this - ‘Captain Birdseye’s Flo Selecta’ to give it its full title... True to the name, a few fish were present on the day we visited. First pics are 35mm film, then a few digital to make up the numbers... (‘Why take one camera into the drain when you can take threee!?’)
Info pinched from a report by @Yorrick (thanks!): Flo Selecta or more correctly “the northern relief culvert” commences at Markeaton Park, near to the confluence of the Markeaton and Mackworth brooks. Each brook has its own inlet spillway, with a weir that overflows during periods of high flows. Flows from these inlets converge, and are then taken by the relief culvert eastwards for 2.2 km through the suburbs of Derby, to an outfall with the Derwent in Darley Park.
Film Pictures
Digital Pics