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Report - - Fort Burgoyne, Dover Revisit - Snow Edition - January 2013 | Military Sites |

Report - Fort Burgoyne, Dover Revisit - Snow Edition - January 2013

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This was the last of three sites that we did yesterday, more on the others later. Covered the history in my first report on the place, but we somehow missed the top of the Fort, perimeter, and some other bits then, plus I wasn't too happy with my photos. The second time my photos were better, but Mr Security was wise to us. This time, however, the snow had fallen, Mr Security was warm in his hut, but my camera battery was dying! Anyway, tried to concentrate on the parts that I'd missed before, which wasn't helped by leaving my tripod in Ashford :banghead Anyway, enough gabbling, on with the photos. This isn't a huge report, just thought it'd be nice to have one of the place in the snow if it's not enough to stick around mods :)

Explored with Starlight 2099



Had an after-thought that we should have made a nice big snowman for security to find, d'oh!



A couple inside:



Cheers for reading
