The Gainborough Building, also known as the City of Bath College which specialised in Art, Music and Drama. It was converted from an old hospital and still holds many of the recognisable features. The photography department was the old Morgue and the old admin was turned into the HotBath Gallery. It is now being turned into a hotel to work along side the new Bath Spa which is built on top of the old Roman ruins. This is another local site I've been meaning to cross off the list for a long time because it's where I did my National Diploma in Art&Design. It also holds the best lift in the world-very photogenic. This was a permissioned visit and I must say a big thankyou to the builder who showed me round and filled me in on lots of local history about the building. Budice was due to come with me but was feeling a bit poorly so these photos are on behalf of him too
Anyway, some piccies.....
Main entrance to the hospital complete with ramps to wheel the patients in
looking out to the main stairwell from the drama studio
2nd floor corridor
this side of the building is due to be demolished
unnecessary windows to the left of the picture blocked out due to window tax
basement Foundation studios (possibly parts of the Morgue)
stained glass windows produced by the students
the theatre
dance studio
painty sink
lift stuff
heh heh heh
more lift action
This never fails to amuse!
More morgue stuff
the archeologists have been digging for roman stuff-not surprisingly, they found some walls
Apparently this is where the Surgeon used to live
the college canteen where the famous "choctea" drink was invented (PM me for the recipe)
Old admin and HotBath Gallery
The gallery was opened by Peter Blake (artist who did the Sgt. Pepper's album cover)
people saying goodbye to the building
long hospitalesque corridor
nice window

Main entrance to the hospital complete with ramps to wheel the patients in
looking out to the main stairwell from the drama studio
2nd floor corridor
this side of the building is due to be demolished
unnecessary windows to the left of the picture blocked out due to window tax
basement Foundation studios (possibly parts of the Morgue)
stained glass windows produced by the students
the theatre
dance studio
painty sink
lift stuff
heh heh heh
more lift action
This never fails to amuse!
More morgue stuff
the archeologists have been digging for roman stuff-not surprisingly, they found some walls
Apparently this is where the Surgeon used to live
the college canteen where the famous "choctea" drink was invented (PM me for the recipe)
Old admin and HotBath Gallery
The gallery was opened by Peter Blake (artist who did the Sgt. Pepper's album cover)
people saying goodbye to the building
long hospitalesque corridor
nice window