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Report - Grasshopper Inn, Kent. March 2023

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T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
The current tour bus location…hope this is in the right forum. Visited with Ella.

So just before the tour bus hit we snuck in here for a look. We were in separate areas chatting to each other, I was filming and heard a noise, turned round and saw what I thought was another explorer until I heard the patter of Land Shark claws. We looked at each other and then he left. A bit shocked, we hid for a bit but saw he was back in his car “dog unit” so we carried on though feeling a little uneasy we did miss some bits.

Such a stunning building, the oldest I’ve ever explored. Some of the features in there are amazing. It looks as though work started and then ground to a halt, one side is like a building site. It also seems the secca turns a blind eye if you’re respectful.

Unfortunately, someone shared the location (not us) and the following day this place was hit hard by people from all over the UK. I hope it is still as nice as it was and hasn’t suffered any damage.

History -

The Grasshopper Inn dates back to 1271 and according to old newspaper cuttings, it was the centre of the villages' social life.

Originally there were two cottages huddled together behind a dusty cart track. One of the small cottages was used as a beer house called ‘The Plough'. There were two rooms and a kitchen on the ground floor. The front room was furnished with a deal table in the middle and deal forms along two sides. The other side accommodated two wooden barrels or trestles. One of which contained Westerham Strong Farmers Ale and the other Westerham Mild Ale. When customers visited, they banged on the table and the land lady would emerge from the back room. She filled their pint or quart tankards from the wooden barrels, then retired to the back.

It is not known exactly when ‘The Plough' changed to ‘The Grasshopper Inn' but apparently there was a small establishment called The Grasshopper Inn at Titsey on the Titsey Estate. This belonged to the Squire who at the time was of the Leverson-Gower family. This Inn was for some reason demolished and the Squire ordered ‘The Plough Inn' to be changed to ‘The Grasshopper Inn'

The Grasshopper is the crest above Sir John Gresham's family coat of arms, which can be found at Titsey Place, his country house and can also be seen as a gold weathervane atop the Royal Exchange Building in the City of London.
In the early 1950's the Grasshopper Inn was restored and extended using old material including Oak paneling, and wrought iron from the houses of parliament and the vestry doors from the Coventry Cathedral, which can be found among the leadlight windows and beamed ceilings of the Tudor Ballroom.

Newspaper report - The People, Sunday 14 May 1961.

Post Pub Turns Away Thirsty War Cripples.

The landlord of the "Grasshopper Inn" didn't exactly jump to it when thirteen disabled ex-servicemen turned up for a drink.

The ex-servicemen—some paralysed, some with no legs—were making the first stop of the day on an ambulance-coach outing from the "Star and Garter Home" at Richmond, Surrey.

And they were turned away from the posh "Grass-hopper Inn"—at Westerham, in Kent's "stockbroker belt." For the last four years, the Star and Garter outing has always had a morning drink at the "Grasshopper." But this year, there is a new management. A new sign outside the inn says: "Coaches only by appointment."
British Legion official Vic Phipps, travelling with the party, went on ahead of the ex-servicemen to arrange an "appointment."

The "Grasshopper's" manager, Mr. Derek King, wasn't having that. He told Mr. Phipps: "We need more notice."

The legion official with the party—Mr. David Slade—-tried to soften manager King's heart. He said yesterday: "I went to see the manager. I was told he was in conference and too busy to see us." Mr. Slade added: "The place was empty. It was just after opening time."

What does manager King say? “That’s right." he agreed. "We couldn't permit coaches to call without an appointment. Rule of the house." Mr. King added: "It was too late when this party arrived— getting near lunch-time, when I'd have been too busy. “It wouldn't have mattered if they were Lords."

Newspaper report - Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 17 November 1972.

Great new season of all Star cabaret...

The "Grasshopper," Moorhouse, Westerham, proudly presents Ronnie Corbett and All-Star cabaret, Wednesday, 15th May.

Ticket reservations, telephone John Thompson, Westerham 63136.
June cabaret stars Dickie Henderson

























Chillin at the structure
Regular User
I am fairly local and drove past this the other day, to see four guys with go pros on sticks and rucksacks being walked down the pavement by a guy in a hi vis. Thought it was funny but didn't realise this is the latest fad derp

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
Great report i wish i had done it in daylight too as some great photos. I should of just done what u guys did and went in despite seeing the dog unit outside lol guess we just wasn't as brave as you that day 😂


T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
I am fairly local and drove past this the other day, to see four guys with go pros on sticks and rucksacks being walked down the pavement by a guy in a hi vis. Thought it was funny but didn't realise this is the latest fad derp
I think it’s so dry for places atm that’s why everyone and his dog have turned up.

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