No video this week because moments away from rendering the entire project corrupted somehow! I know all of you guys really enjoy urbex videos so I'm extremely sorry x
History: The mill was built in 1907, as another cotton-spilling based mill that gave Oldham the industrial capital name at the time. However this mill was unusual because it was powered by a steam engine which gave 1500hp, capable of spinning 120,000 spindles. The mill was expanded constantly due to the countries need for cotton, once in 1920, and in 1924. The cotton demand got so high the depression caused a lot of factory closures and many workers to leave the industry. During WW2, there was a brief reprive for Hartford as the factory produced cotton for war clothes, but by the mid-1950s the industry fell into trouble once again. This and competition from overseas caused Hartford into a long, slow decline, finally ending production in 1959.
From then, the mill was used by Littlewoods multiple services up until 1992, and then shut down for good. The buildings have been derelict since.
Our visit: After a number of explores and fails around the centre of Oldham, we progressed around it's rim and found this one, that's been on the list for a while but never really made the trip, unless there was something else worthwhile in the area. From what I've heard there's been multiple fires here and a teenager fell to his death so I was very surprised to see it completely unsealed. Inside it was quite interesting, more the higher you got. And no, before you ask, the engine house isn't available, all sealed for some reason, unlike the rest of the building.
Pictures: Take a look, would usually be a video afterwards but the file got corrupted for some bizarre reason...
The front, looks like that tower used to have a dome on it's top.
Outside engine house, it was pouring with rain which is the weird effect.
Looking up at the huge chimney.
Large vent.
Water dripping...
Rest of the shots are just views. There isn't really much to see inside, anyway, glad we came at sunset.
Manchester in fog.
Thanks for reading. Have a good one
History: The mill was built in 1907, as another cotton-spilling based mill that gave Oldham the industrial capital name at the time. However this mill was unusual because it was powered by a steam engine which gave 1500hp, capable of spinning 120,000 spindles. The mill was expanded constantly due to the countries need for cotton, once in 1920, and in 1924. The cotton demand got so high the depression caused a lot of factory closures and many workers to leave the industry. During WW2, there was a brief reprive for Hartford as the factory produced cotton for war clothes, but by the mid-1950s the industry fell into trouble once again. This and competition from overseas caused Hartford into a long, slow decline, finally ending production in 1959.
From then, the mill was used by Littlewoods multiple services up until 1992, and then shut down for good. The buildings have been derelict since.
Our visit: After a number of explores and fails around the centre of Oldham, we progressed around it's rim and found this one, that's been on the list for a while but never really made the trip, unless there was something else worthwhile in the area. From what I've heard there's been multiple fires here and a teenager fell to his death so I was very surprised to see it completely unsealed. Inside it was quite interesting, more the higher you got. And no, before you ask, the engine house isn't available, all sealed for some reason, unlike the rest of the building.
Pictures: Take a look, would usually be a video afterwards but the file got corrupted for some bizarre reason...
The front, looks like that tower used to have a dome on it's top.
Outside engine house, it was pouring with rain which is the weird effect.
Looking up at the huge chimney.
Large vent.
Water dripping...
Rest of the shots are just views. There isn't really much to see inside, anyway, glad we came at sunset.
Manchester in fog.
Thanks for reading. Have a good one

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