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Hello! Somewhat experienced explorer, struggling to find anything new & interesting | New Members Introduction |

Hello! Somewhat experienced explorer, struggling to find anything new & interesting

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi everyone!

Very new to forums etc, but I have been doing Urbex on and off for a few years, I'm based in Bristol and recently finding that there are less and less viable places to explore, everything's turning into student flats in the blink of an eye!

I've a keen interest in anything old, run down. Buildings, industrial sites, vehicles, mineshafts
Anything with a strange history i'm especially interested in! Hospitals, War sites, etc

Some of the places i've visited:
Barrow Gurney Mental Hospital
Whitchurch Asylum x 2 ( 1 failed attempt)
Browns Folly Mines & Tower
Bomb Shelter in Bristol
Water pumphouse Bristol
Villa estate in South Cyprus, abandoned due to lack of funding (stumbled upon this on holiday, what a treat)
Jimmy Saville's Holiday House - Glencoe, Highlands

A long shot, but if anybody has any spots around Bristol, or surrounding towns - Feel free to drop me a message or comment.
I am also in the market for some like minded companions, to share knowledge and hopefully go on some adventures with!