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Report - Hennocque Quarry , France

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Don't eat my biscuit !
28DL Full Member
Explored with oxygen thief , Speed and the rest of the motley crew. we did not Quarry any limestone but we did get pissed :)

The Hennocque limestone Quarry was started in the nineteenth century and was operated by three generations of the Aubin-Hennocque family. Covering over 35 hectares, this site is huge.

The quarry was occupied by the German army during World War II and was going to be used to store V2 rockets but the modifications where never completed. so the site was never a functional storage base for the rockets. The Nazis being the nice sort of blokes that they were did make several improvements to the site , including the installation of electricity, the construction of a headquarters and they added fortifications to the site.

Once the war ended, limestone extraction resumed, the site enjoyed the electrification and the various other improvements the Germans made but this was short-lived because as the construction industry turned away from stone and moved to using concrete the stone industry collapsed and many quarries had too close Hennocque being one of them.

on our way in a local told us not to go too deep into the Quarry because of a fire that had caused some carbon monoxide to be released into the Quarry a few years back.







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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Was a good trip, and always good to be back at Hennocque. We spent a long time exploring the mine and as usual found more things we hadn't seen before.

What Danny hasn't shown here is the tunnel used to house the V2 rockets so here's an old one...


The reason I wanted to post that is because a few of us were wondering why the ceiling was that tall. It's because the rockets were much larger than many of us imagined...


We also discussed this mechanism by the main gates...


This was made to hold a massive sliding blast door, that was never completed.

Pictures credited to

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Wow! That looks like a real doozy! :thumb

Pic 4 seems rather familiar for some reason...


rebmeM LD82
Regular User
Great set of photos. I should have walked round here more than I did, I was still feeling a bit crap from the previous nights piss up however. :-/

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