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Report - Heron Tower, The City, London

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sited in a prime location half a block from the gherkin in the city is this quickly developing monster. Upon our visit she was standing 38 tall with another 20 to come, which will make her the tallest thing in london. By comparison when done she'll be 50-60m taller than the Gherkin.

Access was a pita, a long long wait for certain noisy buggers to bugger off, but eventually the jewel was ours, took ages to reach the top, stopping off for the odd toilet or water stop :p And when we finally reached the top, either by way of walking, or by way of the 'ride on silo' we found (20p per 10floors, a good deal), it rained hard :mad:

Cleared up just enough to get some photos before heading down, then our journey had JUST begun, took us a further 2hours to walk to a place where a night bus would take us to the right quarter of london lol.

Ninjors in attendance > Silo2gen, Wellwaspy & Urbanflail


the way down...


want to go higher?


I like images where you can see the landscape, the building and the streets below, this one fell a bit short, 17mm ain't enough for london.


I cannot describe how much I wanted to go out and stand on these, but everything was soaking, steelwork + water ain't a great combination


Looking down, if there was more time i would have happily just sat up here and watched london rotate, but time wasn't our friend, and neither is transport for london.


Achlarmed crane & canary wharf.


Last one, this is my favourite of the pictures, bit of a stitch (with an error, nil points for finding it) thinking of getting it printed to decorate the house a bit?

OK, after a revisit, I've got some more digi shots, but they're a bit so-so. Instead, have a few 35mm shots, I think they have come out MUCH better than the digi shots, they rival digi for sharpness & detail, and I think the WB is much more accurate...


Don't walk into the light!!!


The tower to the right of us (in bottom right of frame) was making a right racket! the fans ontop of the building sounded a bit trashed.


I loved the grittyness & harsh contrast (with minimal flare) the film gave over the digi.


My favourite shot from the visits up the heron :)


Its JUST like being a GIRL!!!

Thought I'd leave you with *that* one, best viewed large :D
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