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Report - - Horbury Viaduct - Yorkshire, October 2022 | Other Sites |

Report - Horbury Viaduct - Yorkshire, October 2022

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi everyone, first post on the forum. Been exploring the Wakefield area recently and found a lot of interesting infrastructure worth having a look at. Only time I have seen this specific site reported on here is this post by @ERNIE99_UK in 2008 so here is a little update.

The History
Build by Midland Railway's the line was built from Dewsbury connecting it to the rest of the network at Royston, which included the viaduct. The line opened in 1905 primarily for the purpose of cargo transport and was used up to 1968. Plans were made to extend the line to avoid the congested areas around Leeds and use it for passenger rail however these plans were never used. The line runs across the nearby Horbury West Curve (Crigglestone Curve) opening in 1902 for passengers and cargo.

Rail Map online - historic railways, railroads and canals
Royston Savile Town
Horbury Viaduct

Original post: Report - - Crigglestone curve and viaduct-23/2/08 | Other Sites

The Explore
Myself and a friend planned to walk the old Midlands Rail Line & Old Lancashire & Yorkshire Rail Line in the Horbury area that also made up the Crigglestone Curve, the line was no longer joined up in as much as a path as we expected however we followed it the best we could. No visible rail existed anymore and little signs of a railway existing is left expect from the steep embankments, bridges and viaduct. Not too difficult of an explore but a lot of fun. Looks like there is some maintenance work being carried out as we found recently installed climbing points and truss handing from the underside.

Midlands Rail Line pictured in yellow.
Old Lancashire & Yorkshire Rail Line pictured in green.








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