This is an old explore from a sunday morning that was done before i was a member on here that due to lockdown im going to share , remember going out on motorbike and getting there for 7.00 am thinking im early there wont be anybody else around only to discover joggers ,dog walkers and fisherman were already there ! explored only the first plug hole was on my own but managed to get in without being seen have always wondered about these remember my dad bringing me out as a kid when the water was going over the top and the sound of it crashing down frightened me
fast forward a few decades and i was looking up the them and showing my dad the pics !
at the bottom of the ladder
looking toward the entrance
bends around here
you can see the end of the pipe bending up and light coming in
blue bricks form the shaft its only stone what you can see from up top
going back out
looking towards the entrance
last 2 pics showing cave like limestone deposits from a weep in the pipe,the ladybower was finished in 1943 but took 2 years to fill up so thats come about in roughly 71 years thanks for watching

at the bottom of the ladder
looking toward the entrance
bends around here
you can see the end of the pipe bending up and light coming in
blue bricks form the shaft its only stone what you can see from up top
going back out
looking towards the entrance
last 2 pics showing cave like limestone deposits from a weep in the pipe,the ladybower was finished in 1943 but took 2 years to fill up so thats come about in roughly 71 years thanks for watching