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Looking for FFP3 Masks that fit well with glasses🤓😎 | Kit / Clothing / Equipment |

Looking for FFP3 Masks that fit well with glasses🤓😎

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all

Well not all, mainly fellow 4 eyed people the rest of you can do one (jk you are very much valued😂😂).

Been dabbling in exploring for the first few times recently (see my new member thread if curious to know more about me), and got myself a mask for going in buildings with potential pigeon shit/mould/asbestos - the usual stuff.

Just got a basic industry standard FFP3 few-time use respirator mask for about a fiver. It fits well, nicely snug etc, but when I put my glasses on over the top they just don't fit right and theyre uncomfortable due to the hard nose bit of the mask.

Does anyone who has glasses have any other suggestions for good ffp3 standard masks that work for them, or good tips for getting those spectacles nice and snug?🤓


The Young One

Asbestos lover
28DL Full Member
A Covid mask is not an FFP3 mask.
You have said you don't usually wear a mask, so this implies you know you probably aren't going be particularly knowledgeable on this subject, so why are you answering? 🤣 You don't need to comment on everything!
Bud, read the post and don’t comment if you don’t have the knowledge. I’m no expert, but I don’t think a Covid mask is a great replacement for a respirator. Asbestos 1, you 0.
Over and understood


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Get a decent half face HEPA mask (3m make them), a blim of washing up liquid polished onto the inside of your lenses will stop any misting up!! - I regularly have to do this at work- nasty chemicals see!!;


28DL Regular User
Regular User
A Covid mask is not an FFP3 mask.
You have said you don't usually wear a mask, so this implies you know you probably aren't going be particularly knowledgeable on this subject, so why are you answering? 🤣 You don't need to comment on everything!
I just wear fishnet tights over my head, full face coverage then. Better than a COVID mask.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Get a decent half face HEPA mask (3m make them), a blim of washing up liquid polished onto the inside of your lenses will stop any misting up!! - I regularly have to do this at work- nasty chemicals see!!;
Will have to try this, never heard of the washing up liquid thing. Couldve saved me having my glasses constantly fog up working in Tescos during lockdown


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Will have to try this, never heard of the washing up liquid thing. Couldve saved me having my glasses constantly fog up working in Tescos during lockdown
Old motorcycling trick from moons ago!! Works with any glasses including safety specs!! (Handy for sweaty airsofters!)


Regular User
When doing fit tests (this really is key for respiratory protection) some of the Moldex masks seem to suit people with glasses as the bridge is pre-shaped rather than having the bulky metal strip. AFAIK the prices are similar to others