I visited this today many thanks to turkey for recommending it to me

it was well worth the 70 mile round trip, This post was locked with a torlift hatch a bit tight to open but got it open in the end
this was a mint post but not as much stuff in it as i have seen in other reports
please forgive the light in the pictures as i only had a torch but have bought a fluorescent lamp now so future threads should be better
looks really good condition on walk up
bunker next to post
bloody hell its in good nick even the beds are made
this was one post i was sad to leave just hope it stays in the condition its in

it was well worth the 70 mile round trip, This post was locked with a torlift hatch a bit tight to open but got it open in the end
this was a mint post but not as much stuff in it as i have seen in other reports
please forgive the light in the pictures as i only had a torch but have bought a fluorescent lamp now so future threads should be better
looks really good condition on walk up
bunker next to post
bloody hell its in good nick even the beds are made
this was one post i was sad to leave just hope it stays in the condition its in