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Report - - Milton Keynes Building 500, May 24' | Industrial Sites |

Report - Milton Keynes Building 500, May 24'

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Once again another solo mission, but a fun and rewarding one :)


Struggled to find much on the background of this building, as it isn't the most well-known in the town.
'The 500 building was a well-run and popular office block close to the town of Milton Keynes.' It held many businesses throughout its various multi-story offices.
The building also won an award for the 'Business of the year' in 2006.
How the tables have turned since!

(This was the building in 2020, I forgot to get a shot of the exterior)
500 building before.PNG

The building closed for good last year and plans were released to redevelop it into apartments as part of the 'MK gateway' redevelopment scheme.
I think they forgot about it since ๐Ÿ˜‚

The explore:

Access into the site was very easy. Some locals showed me their entry and even gave me a small tour before leaving me inside to explore.
I must admit I was expecting the building to be a little bit more intact than it was, but it was still a decent explore nonetheless.

No security measures at all were most likely the reason to blame. Cameras positioned all around the outside didn't function and no security showed up, despite me being here for around an hour.
A large number of kids came in and out when I was photographing, purely to smash up the place even more, so no wonder it's in the current condition,

The central area



Moving onto the offices, stripped completely


Getting further up onto the top floor...


Hardly found any intact windows during the explore

Onto the roof, which was untouched from the vandalism, so maybe I was the first to discover it?



Cheers for reading


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
Might give it a go. The only good bits seem to be the roof and the big open square lobby area. I went yesterday and thereโ€™s now two dog vans.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Gave it a crack last weekend and the vans were there and it was patched, reckon it changes fast


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went when first abandoned might make a post if i have enough photos, changed drastically due to vanadalism. Security everywhere now they constantly have a dog van outside sadly

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