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Report - Motspur Park Gas Holders

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've lived near these huge structures my entire life. They tower over the flat landscape and cast a huge shadow over the neighboring park.
As with many of these structures very little information was available. The largest of the three has been at the site for around 45-50 years, with the second largest having been built around 40 years ago, along with the smallest of the three. All three of the holders are inactive and have been for well over a decade. The site is owned by Southern Gas Networks, as shown on the warning signs.

The site was fairly well secured. A wide river stands in the way of anyone who did not do a research trip.

Once inside, there is not much to be seen on ground level, other than some old electrical buildings and graffiti.


The gas holder was fairly easy to access. The very aged anti climb measures stood weak:

A long way up (Second tallest holder)

Image of the smallest gas holder's ladder:
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Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
Good stuff & always nice to see more gas being done :thumb

Quite a fun set to do this once you've worked out how to avoid the brook & brambles ;)

Someone bring a dinghy along though as it's ripe for that (never did a revisit) :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice short post. Also nice to see someones phone that has the ability to take viewable pics for a change on here ;) i was begining to think only mine worked lol

Wish i could hang off with one hand with my shoulder :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good stuff & always nice to see more gas being done :thumb

Quite a fun set to do this once you've worked out how to avoid the brook & brambles ;)

Someone bring a dinghy along though as it's ripe for that (never did a revisit) :D
Indeed, it wasn't hard to access, it just took some research trips and knowledge.
It's in bad shape at the moment. The ladders feel like they could collapse any minute (maybe it's just paranoia)


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
Indeed, it wasn't hard to access, it just took some research trips and knowledge.
It's in bad shape at the moment. The ladders feel like they could collapse any minute (maybe it's just paranoia)

They all feel like that tbh. Go for it again mate, they've been climbed a few times already & no doubt more to come :)

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