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Report - - Mountain Ash General Hospital, South Wales - February 2017 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Mountain Ash General Hospital, South Wales - February 2017

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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Continuing with the dross I've posted from the back catalogue recently...

The facility has its origins in the Mountain Ash Cottage Hospital which was established in 1910. The current structure was opened by Lord Aberdare as the Mountain Ash and Penrhiwceiber General Hospital in 1924. It joined the National Health Service as Mountain Ash General Hospital in 1948 but, after services transferred to the Ysbyty Cwm Cynon, the general hospital closed in 2012.

After closure the whole place was stripped of all it's roof slates, which seriously accelerated the decay inside which I did kind of like but as far as hospitals go it wasn't much to write home about. To say it was shagged was an understatement! I also somehow managed to totally miss the mortuary, I think I simply forgot it had a room with some body fridges in if I'm honest! Anyway it was a walk in walk out sort of place with no fuss, to be frank my favourite part of it was seeing the outside enveloped in mist on the way out. I don't think I even used my tripod in here there was so much natural light.

It was demolished a couple of years ago and now nothing remains.
















Thanks for looking...


Jane Doe

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There was some nice bits of decay in there and always good to have got some photos before places get demolished :)


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Cracking images, some nice features remaining of the building in thoes photos despite the heavy decay.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Thats a lot of decay, natural and unnatural by the looks of it. How does a building go from solid to this in 5 yrs. Must of been a local hotspot. Great set of images on what looks like a cold misty morning. Nice one Mooks :thumb


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
When I got here all that was left was the laundry so these are nice to see.

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