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Report - - Outwood Academy Danum (Lower Site), Doncaster, South Yorkshire - September 2022 | Other Sites |

Report - Outwood Academy Danum (Lower Site), Doncaster, South Yorkshire - September 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
A mid-century secondary school which began life as ‘Intake High School’ and went through the standard multiple name changes and mergers with neighbouring schools over the years, before becoming Outwood Academy Danum. This school was one of a pair - the other live buildings further up the road. This lower site closed in 2017 and there are currently plans to sell off the land, presumably for housing.

Quite a large place, partly modernised and smashed and partly intact (at the time anyway) with nice original parquet flooring in situ in places. An okay wander really if you happen to like mid-century secondary schools. First learned of this place a couple of years ago back when all the power was on & alarm etc, but looks like pikey's have made short work of it.

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (1).jpg

A pair of gyms

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (13).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (12).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (10).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (43).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (44).jpg

Science rooms

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (27).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (25).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (26).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (30).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (31).jpg

Hall was rammed with junk, but had a nice balcony area with seating

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (18).jpg

Technology and engineering classes

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (19).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (20).jpg

Art and design + pottery stuff

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (38).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (39).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (40).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (41).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (37).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (36).jpg

Some areas with nice parquet

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (49).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (50).jpg

Various other areas

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (46).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (45).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (23).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (15).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (6).jpg

Outwood Academy Danum, Doncaster - 11th September (5).jpg

I think this place started getting popular with the local yoofs and also with facebook explorers, culminating in predictableness earlier this month...




28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The fire was inevitable im surprised it took that long. I hope the trampolines survived i enjoyed them

Camera Shy

Old enough to know better
Regular User
I was just reading through that thinking how nice it was and surprised the local youth's and ex pupils hadn't smashed it to fuck, then got to the last part :rofl good you got it covered so well before they did.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Really quite surprised how nice this was. Again the waste that could have been donated to local youth clubs etc. Then seeing the blaze :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No way i missed the second gym! i only found the one with the trampolines, i did have to cut my visit short thought because of metal thieves and loads of kids turning up :(

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