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Report - - Sandsend Railway Tunnel Visit 27/01/08 | Underground Sites |

Report - Sandsend Railway Tunnel Visit 27/01/08

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Sunday morning, nice day for this time a year, clear sky, and not raining.....yet! Me and Antpant7 decided to take a trip down to Sandsend to do what we do best... tunnelling! After about a 15 minute walk the mouth of this fine tunnel appears down at the end of the disused Whitby, Redcar and Middlesbrough Union Railway.


After a few shots of the mouth of the tunnel and waiting for those pesky Sunday walkers to stop coming down from the hillside we made our way in to the tunnel.

Looking back with what is left of the day light that we know of...

All we have now in front of us is complete damp darkness, we made our way across the huge puddle that filled the tunnels width by using the conveniently placed rocks and wood to get right inside.

Looking into the tunnel, we used two torch's to add different effects to each side of the tunnel. My new 3.5 million candle power bad boy (thanks antpant7) and a 2.5 million power just to show off!

As always in a tunnel of this size are frequently placed passing places, luckily we don't need to use these anymore.

Had to get a shot of the scary skeleton.

So off we go after briefly stopping to watch people looking over the wall at the tunnel's entrance (not daring to step inside). The further we got in the louder the sound was (of rushing water) not stopping us even though slightly worried we carried onwards making our way over the stepping stone lake ha ha and closing in on the second airshaft (a photographers dream i tell thee)

The river coming down hit a rock on the tunnel floor making for some awesome shots...

Next to this airshaft on the right is a drainage tunnel big enough to stand up in but an idiot to go down due to the cliff face that will await you at the end

I particularly liked the random graffiti on the wall...

Looking up at the river coming down the airshaft...awesome!

And finally using our plastic folders creating a eerie glow from the drainage tunnel.....

Well worth a trip as antpant7 explained in his post torch batteries were on the way out, plus welly's were needed to proceed.

Thanks antpant7 again for finding this beauty and thanks to losing your footing which saved you from falling into what can only described as drains from hell!
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