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Report - - Sea Containers House, London Feb '12 | High Stuff |

Report - Sea Containers House, London Feb '12

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sea Containers House, Located on the southbank and is 15 storeys high. Originally built in the 1970's as a hotel, in the the 1980's is was converted into offices.

The building changed hands in 2004 and Sea Containers moved out in 2007. Not too sure if its been empty since then?

After noticing it had work being done up on the roof I knew it was a go'er, Itching to get up to check out the views and get some shots of OXO and stand beside the famous golden globes, Dicky and I went for it in stupidly cold temperatures but on a high from previous lol'z that night. After waiting for what seemed an age we finally had our 20 second window to get in unseen. It didn't disappoint.... until OXO turned the neons off hmm.






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