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28DL Member
28DL Member
Having seen some great videos on urban exploring I totally get the fascination of exploring interesting historical or quirky sites..
However I recently caught some burglars in my home who used the excuse that they were only urban explorers, exploring the building. They had kicked in a door and broken a window to gain entry and were obviously pilling up my personal items near the door to make a quick exit.
Now my home is a small dormer bungalow, set back from the road. It has a kitchen downstairs with small living room and bedroom. The loft area having 2 other small bedrooms. So quite compact.
In front is a small conservatory.
I can't believe that any urban explorer would be interested in exploring a bungalow. I'm renovating the kitchen and digging up the garden, but its basically a bungalow.

I am reaching out to the urban explorer community to find if anyone on this site would ever contemplate exploring a small house similar to mine. I'd like your views, and whatever they are I am not here to criticise, just validate. I can't imaging anyone finding my home of interest either historically or archaeologically, but I can imagine they would have other ideas.

Photo attached. Thanks for your views and hope you continue to find great sites.



grumpy sod
Regular User
You might notice the lack of a 'residential' section on here. Houses are the low hanging fruit of exploring, mainly done nowadays by people who are obsessed with 'time caps', for their shitty identikit copy/paste Facebook or YouTube pages because it's the easiest way for them to get loads of likes from the jobless armchair explorers.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
You might notice the lack of a 'residential' section on here. Houses are the low hanging fruit of exploring, mainly done nowadays by people who are obsessed with 'time caps', for their shitty identikit copy/paste Facebook or YouTube pages because it's the easiest way for them to get loads of likes from the jobless armchair explorers.
Even by YouTube standards I’d struggle to see someone going in something as modern as this


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Breaking and entering is never urban exploring. Your house isn't small or a bungalow in my opinion and piling belongings up by the door isn't a sign of even a Facebook explorer. I hope you called the police.


Useful Idiot
Regular User
As above, if these were Urban Explorers they’ll be the swill of the hobby and the sort of people the vast majority of us on here distance ourselves from.

Putting aside the fact that houses are all the same, I think there is a moral issue with them. They’re not like a power station or a hospital where they’re owned by a company, no one is getting upset with us being there (they don’t like it, but certainly not upset). But houses are owned by actual people, a lot of the to me they’re empty because a family member has recently passed away, by rummaging through their dead mums things we’d just be making things worse for them.

But yeah, I hope you have them a good kicking