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Report - - Swildons Hole - Somerset - Apr 21 | Underground Sites |

Report - Swildons Hole - Somerset - Apr 21

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
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As some of you will know I have done quite a few mines & small underground stuff, so when @Down and beyond suggested a day out doing something "a bit more extreme" in the underground world I naturally jumped at the chance. There is no denying I was not mentally prepared for what was in the pipeline!


Its an easy place to get killed if the goons roll up & its essentially a permission visit anyway so long as you are a BCA member & pay the mendip club accordingly.
After the initial drop in I was a little perplexed as to our next move as I couldnt see a sensible way to enter the main cave system, on being shown the "next move"was to squeeze between 2 slabs with water pouring down ya back Im not going to lie with mild claustrophobia I was beginning to have second thoughts.
Making it through this it was immediately apparent that my head torch was useless which made these first few steps even more horrendous & I was now a little anxious but of course wasnt going to let my associate know this ;-)
Anyway once we were through this the precedence was set (& I realised I was going to have to tackle the rest of the visit with my handheld torch) I settled in & absolutely loved it. We were by the end of the visit actively seeking out the smallest tunnels we could find to see if there was any that would forcibly stop us, something I never would of thought I would of done prior to getting in there.


Swildon's Hole is an extensive cave in Priddy, Somerset. At 9,144 metres (30,000 ft) in length, it is the longest cave on the Mendip Hills.
The cave contains an active streamway, which has caused a highly varied cave system. Areas of the system range from low passages, through which cavers must crawl, to impressive chambers with sheer drops, and from dry fossil passages to thundering waterfalls and its infamous sumps.
The upper series of the cave compresses many features into a relatively short space, which was the only section we explored on this visit. The cave goes far beyond this, however, and the lower reaches of the cave continue to provide challenges for even the most experienced of cave divers.


The cave was first entered on 16 August 1901 by members of the Wells Natural History and Archaeological Society. Very rapid progression was made to what is now known as the 40 foot pot. Between 1903 and 1910, in spite of access being banned by the landowner, various trips took place to photograph and explore the passages
Ever since 1936 caving groups have been seeking to extend the explored area of the cave, and thus far eleven principal sumps have been passed. Sump 12 has so far proved impassable. Work continues to find a way through the adjacent Sump.

I should mention this is one of the most challenging environments Iv photographed. A dslr is out of the question so these are all phone pics, but even this poses problems, getting phone out of waterproof container, trying to turn on & operate with wet hands, having water on the camera lens & literally nothing dry to wipe it on before you even begin with the issue of lighting this sort of place that Im sure you are all familiar with, so anyway this is the best I ended up with.














Thanks For Looking


Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Now that is a top report best I seen in ages if ya like underground you must love this place !!

you done great in their, it makes me laugh when you throw the bag ahead of yourself and your like shit the water has taken it another 50m in the rapids and your crawling to catch up with it , the small waterfall before the 20 you captured it beautifully , When I am more confident in rigging I’ll take you back and do the 20 then we can go down and free dive the sump 1 which is great fun but a bit cold !! Issue is like you noted very well this is a dangerous place ! On the 20 on my visit with the usual team their was srt set up so are ladder you couldn’t get on the the top 4 runs as was on a formation so had to use the lifeline to its max

Again great report a pleasure to do before are breakfast & getting changed on the road infront of them lasses :cool: :thumb

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
you done great in their, it makes me laugh when you throw the bag ahead of yourself and your like shit the water has taken it another 50m in the rapids and your crawling to catch up with it ,

Yes that did happen & was hillarious, "Ill just push bag into that chamber... oh shit wheres it gone lol"

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Top class photos. Really stunning. And in those conditions, all the squeezes and over hangs too. The water shots are a dream. Some of the shots look like alien sacks lol. Well done. Class report. :Not Worthy

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Top class photos. Really stunning. And in those conditions, all the squeezes and over hangs too. The water shots are a dream. Some of the shots look like alien sacks lol. Well done. Class report. :Not Worthy

Thanks Jane, yes the whole thing looks very much an alien landscape, its truly inspiring place

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Swindons is great although not considered that difficult in caving circles. Also is this place not gated? Cracking pics though Glynn! Glad you had a good time. We'll have to get you down some forest stuff, not quite as wet but easily as/more fiddly!

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Swindons is great although not considered that difficult in caving circles. Also is this place not gated? Cracking pics though Glynn! Glad you had a good time. We'll have to get you down some forest stuff, not quite as wet but easily as/more fiddly!

Thanks yeah it was not as physically difficult as I expected but one slip & the potential for injury is high as Im sure u know.
Got some more stuff coming up dont worry ;-)