The Manchester & Salford Junction Canal, RE RE-Visited & BUSTED!
I've visited this place many times and reported the history on here in way of a comprehensive walk-through in the past so I aint gonna bore anyone
Today I was in town with one of The_Collective guys recce'ing another site nearby. As we mooched about I noticed my old way in seemed do-able so in we went
We spent about 30-40 mins looking about, I grabbed a few more pics for old times sake, before GTFO
As we made our way out we were practically jumped by secca's, luckily I still had my camera & tripod out which explained half of what we were doing in there
"How did you get in? what you doing in a staff area?" "Errrrr taking pictures mate" (Oh and maybe you need to review your security)

We then left through a fire door and out into another staff area/loading bay as you do just to wind them up
...As we walked around the front I stopped to pack my gear away and all hell broke loose, some cunt came flying out of the building
"What you doing in a staff area? Why did you go through that door?" FFS!
"Listen mate were just photographers, we aint done nothing wrong we just went for a look in some tunnel, fuck this!"
"We've called the Police, we've been monitoring activity along with the Police since someone cut a lock off last year"
Meh - we just walked off and then appeared to be followed across town by another 2 guards and the mobile NCP smart car, was a right bag 'O lulZ

A few more pics, as I doubt I will be going back anytime soon