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Report - The Plaza Cinema - Port Talbot - December 2017

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Ok last one for now i think, il have to swap genres!

Cheers to @Lenston for the heads up. I had been trying to get in here for a decade or more. It was really bugging me. People had managed to get in sometime in the mid 2000s and it looked really good, full of stuff and OLD! I actually knew a way in but without saying exactly what it was all i can let on was it was pretty darn obvious.. We had been and looked at it what must have been 10 or more times. it never got easier or less obvious! I even camped outside one Saturday night with the intention of doing it first thing Sunday but there must be a club or something nearby as there was more people on the street and in the petrol station opposite at 5am on a Sunday than there was at a sensible time of day! Luckily for this trip with @ Dweeb and @Six something had changed, hording! and with hording brought cover for someone to bust in through the decade old rotten boards. (Security tip.. dont put hording up round a derp!)

I think if im honest it wasn't quite as good as i had imagined, tripled, with none of its exterior flare on the inside and fairly 'well gone' in the rot stakes. There was some cool old stuff to hunt out tho. I particularly liked the letters that would have been used to display which films were on all neatly tucked away in boxes. Liked them so much in fact i didn't bother to photograph them.. Fail! None the less great to tick it off the list finally.

7.5/10 well over par!

cinematreasures said:
This very imposing cinema building on Talbot Road opened at Easter 25th March 1940 and had 1,447 seats. It looks like a typical ‘Odeon’ circuit cinema, but it was always operated as an independent. It closed as a cinema with the film “Tootsie” in 1983 and was converted into a bingo club.
However this too had closed in July 1985. It was re-opened again as a cinema on 18th October 1985 with Walt Disney’s “Peter Pan”. By August 1988 it was converted into a three screen operation with seating capacities in the screens listed as 450, 165 and 120. The Plaza Cinema finally closed on 4th January 1999 with a screening of “Prince of Egypt”. The Apollo group had opened a new multiplex cinema in Port Talbot.
The Plaza Cinema has stood empty, unused and ‘For Sale’ since closing. By 2018 it is owned by the local council. It is a Grade II Listed building.












I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Covered in scaffolding at the moment so seems it will be saved after all.

Yes I believe the plans have all been agreed for it to be saved thankfully.

It was quite comical really, putting up a hoarding to keep people out ended up having the exact opposite effect because nobody could see that it had been busted open! I loved this place, I'm no great fan of cinemas but this was my absolute favourite one I've done.


Bajo Tierra
Regular User
Yes I believe the plans have all been agreed for it to be saved thankfully.

It was quite comical really, putting up a hoarding to keep people out ended up having the exact opposite effect because nobody could see that it had been busted open! I loved this place, I'm no great fan of cinemas but this was my absolute favourite one I've done.
Plans have been agreed a few times for this place as you know but always fell through, seems its happening this time.
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g00n Buster
Staff member
Really loving the cinema/theatre backlog. Keep em coming, I never bore of seeing these.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Remember this open, used to visit relatives in Port Talbot with my old nan, bless her. Went here as a teenager with my cousin. Brings back some memories :thumb