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Report - - Unity Mill, Woodley, Stockport, September 2016 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Unity Mill, Woodley, Stockport, September 2016

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Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User
The mill is thought to have been constructed in the 1860s for cotton spinning and weaving, and was formerly known as Trianon Mill. By the 1890’s the mill was converted to a rubber works then back to a textile mill. From the 1950s the mill was used for the manufacture of products for the food, animal feed, and brewing sector. Production ceased in December 2003 and the mill has been empty since then.

The site is occupied by a four-storey main brick mill building. The building has rectangular windows with stone sills, brick arches, and a gabled slate roof. Other features include an engine house, octagonal brick chimney and boiler house to the rear, and an office block and disused bowling green at the front.

Sources: ‘Stockport: A History’ (Peter Arrowsmith 1997) and Planning Brief (pdf)

Visited with @FreshFingers and SoundLightGo back in 2016. There’s a more recent report here

Nice little mooch with @FreshFingers and NinjaM. Would advise against going at night due to big holes over high drops.



Engine room
[URL=''] [URL='']
Rear buildings from above






Fire damage



Vaulted ceiling


Big holes

[URL=''] [URL='']

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