Report - - W.H. Goss Falcon Works, Stoke-on-Trent March 2019 | Industrial Sites
I hadn't seen this one reported on for an absolute age, and I myself haven't explored a Stoke pottery since 2015 so being able to see this one was a nice little bonus. William Henry Goss moved to the Falcon Works some time around 1870. In 1883 his son Adolphus joined the business and was a key...
I lost all my pics from my first visit here so went back & tried to recreate them the best I could.
Dont know why I just loved the colours in here from the years of paint decay.
Staffordshire "Flat Back" mould
Old Office rooms
Conveyor to higher levels which were very dodgey
More Moulds
Thats it from here, thanks for looking