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Report - - West Park Hospital, Epsom - November 2011 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - West Park Hospital, Epsom - November 2011

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28DL Full Member
So a decade later, I've finally decided to post some of my splores from years gone by! This was my first ever explore back in 2011...

An oldie, but goldie - Once a well visited gem... West Park Hospital was based in Epsom, Surrey. Construction started in 1913, and officially opened on 20 June 1924. It provided for 2096 patients and was the last hospital in the programme to establish five large psychiatric and mental handicap hospitals on the Horton estate in Epsom.

The main hospital buildings were disused for many years but are now largely converted for residential purposes. the acute hospital, staff residences and a few other villas remain converted in the grounds or survive in healthcare use. The site also contains Epsom and Ewell Cottage Hospital unit. The Chapel was demolished in 1987. Arsonists have damaged the site with fires in 2003 in Honiton ward (female epileptic ward), on 30th September 2003 in the recreation hall, and Hollywood lodge on 16th February 2005.

Historical information from: Exploring Surreys Past, County Asylums

Lets get into it!

Fields leading to the hospital, really eerie feeling even during the day.


Long forgotten halls of the hospital, nature had started reclaiming the area surrounding


Patient restrooms, no roof remains nor do any fixtures or fittings. This building was literally a shell.


Creepy hallway leading down into the lower parts of the building, I really loved how it seemed like it was leading into darkness


Lower parts of the building




One of the very few buildings that were still intact as the demolition of the site was well underway in 2011


Old patient effects were still dotted around the site...



On the site there are several buildings, one of which was a social club. I'm gutted I didn't get many photo's from here - it was completely intact.


Thanks for checking this out! I'm hoping to get back into the explores so hold tight!


Take a trip
28DL Full Member
I feel ya! My sister went when it was mostly still intact around 2008 - I'm gutted I didn't go sooner! Doing these posts recently made me realise a lot of the greats are now long gone!

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