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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - Crack the Surface - Episode I - Urban Exploration Documentary


Video - Urban Explorers on Brit Cops...

Video - 2014: London in videos

I was going to make some sort of compilation thread with photos from places that either weren't really worth reporting on their own, or I didn't have enough photos / still a work in progress. But this has been done fantastically well by others, so thought I'd share a few videos I've made throughout the last few months. The photos will all have to wait until I find a use for them or have the time to do some form of blog post with them.

As I've mentioned before it's been a good year. Despite living in London for almost 3 years now it's taken me the best part of it to actually pull my finger our and chase up the leads and manholes I've been compiling on Google maps.

I want to send a massive thanks to Ojay, Gaj, Gabe, GES066, The_Raw, SJP, Monkey, Obscurity, Space Invader and everyone else I've met along the way and been out with. We've all shared a lot of cans, caused some trouble and for the most part got away with it. Other shout outs go to extreme_ironing, Bristol crew, TheVicar, Prof_Frink, AndrewB, everyone who made it to DHL's memorial night in Middleton earlier this year, the Xmas meet in Browns, the London meet last month and anyone who paved the way with London drains over the years like JD and Siologen who've helped me out with a couple bits.

These videos in no way cover everything that's happened, but they go a good length in showing what we've been up to. Much more than a bunch of fisheye and film photos can really portray.

First we have the opening part of a London drain series I tried to put together. It's a random collection of GoPro clips smashed together with some inappropriate drum and bass on top. It features footage from the Camden High Level Storm Relief (and High Level Sewer, whoops), Fleet CSO, King Scholars Pond CSO (River Tyburn) and North East Storm Relief.

The second instalment was filmed over the course of a trip to see Paul's Wharf Sewer. This was fucking nasty, and included pretty much crawling through 3 foot high tunnels, with sewage and rats circling your feet. I can deal with stooping for the most part, but this was something else. We took a side pipe off the Fleet CSO mainline and headed around the Ludgate Hill sewer through a newer diversion. Ending up underneath the steps of St. Paul's cathedral before dropping down into our intended target. I didn't take any photos, but Ojay did.

Let's take a break from sewers and take a look at some of the sillier nights we had. This was the first time I met Monkey, The_Raw and extreme_ironing as we headed out to try and catch some fireworks from atop somewhere. This didn't exactly go to plan, but we ended up having a right laugh and got up a couple of places, as well as climbing all over the Queen's royal barge.

Back to drains for the most recent instalment of LDN DRN, taking in sights and smells of the Fleet CSO, Effra CSO, South West Storm Relief and Ranelagh CSO (River Westbourne). Throughout the summer and sporadically since we've managed to tick off a whole load of the drains and sewers off the list. There's still a heap more to do, but fortunately they're not going anywhere so once the weather improves we can dive back down and film more more stupid shit.

And finally we have a general 2014 recap with footage from other nights out. Not so much from the drains as I've kind of overdone them with the other 3 videos. But some cranes, building sites, derps, tunnels and reservoirs.

This lark is not serious business. Everyone should get out there with some friends, have a poke about, have a laugh, and fucking enjoy it. 2015 should be less about who explored where first, name plates, media whores or whatever other nonsense has taken the limelight this year, and more about drinking some cans in ridiculous places and meeting new friends to share these stories with.

Any time anyone fancies a night out in London doing something stupid, send me a message!

Bring on 2015.​

Video - Pretty impressive timelapse video

This video must have taken an extraordinary amount of work. Only maybe 20% is shot in an urbex setting but I think it deserves a link: