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General - Is Leybourne Grange Lunatic Asylum still... There?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi! I wanted to know if anyone knows if Leybourne Grange Lunatic Asylum is still around or has been destroyed? I have searched everywhere but can not find anything.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As there"s been no reports since 2012 and those mentioned Demo" i would suggest it"s been Demo"d or converted whatever they intended for it a guess :D


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Regular User
There never was an asylum there let alone a mental one. The idiot colony however has now all but gone.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi! I wanted to know if anyone knows if Leybourne Grange Lunatic Asylum is still around or has been destroyed? I have searched everywhere but can not find anything.
it has been destroyed yes & I live hear but the manor house is still here if u want to explore it with me if so send me a message. also news it that the tunnels are still around I would enjoy to explore them . ;)