I have a few favourite death traps - curiously most of them appear to be hospitals
Westborough State Hospital in the USA, now sadly all demolished. Imagine 2011 Denbigh levels of sketchy floors but instead of being able to see a lot of the rotten areas they were all covered with a top layer of floor tiles that hid a lot of the rot. So as well as having to avoid the obviously rotten parts you had to watch every single step you took on the parts that didn't look bad!
Hawick Cottage Hospital, probably the single most rotten building I've ever stepped foot inside of. It had wet rot, it had dry rot, there was no part of the building that felt structurally sound.
Brownsville General Hospital near Pittsburgh, a place I had wanted to see for years. I will let the photos speak for themselves

Paramount Theater in New Jersey, empty for the best part of five decades and another place where it felt like every step you took could kill you.
And the last one that springs to mind immediately is the Old Rectory Care Home in Rampton, when I first visited it five years ago it was getting seriously bad, the whole building was already severely structurally unstable. It's difficult to believe that the place is still there, but getting upstairs as of 2020 is now nigh on impossible as all the landings have collapsed.
I'm sure I'll be able to think of more, I have a penchant for death traps it would seem!