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Report - - Royal Hospital Haslar, Portsmouth - September 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Royal Hospital Haslar, Portsmouth - September 2019



The same day I visited Fort Gilkicker, I paid Haslar a visit as well. For those of you that don't know, Haslar is a former Royal Naval Hospital in Gosport, Hampshire, directly opposite Portsmouth's dockyards. The hospital closed in 2009 after 256 years of operation. The new owners are currently redeveloping the site into a new "urban village" with retirement housing, new build seasfront flats and a "boutique hotel" (I hate that overly sugary terminology...!). Security is, as you would expect, bloody high. And it's an absolute mission to get anywhere near the buildings without being spotted!

The Explore:

We arrived at the seaside section of the place and made our way in without being spotted. The buildings we explored first were early 20th century wards, which I believe were psychiatric wards. Reason for this is because I read Haslar had a mental health section and these buildings were very similar to the old Victorian/Edwardian asylum style. They were rather interesting to explore, with plenty of peeling paint and interesting features left over. However, once we left that site, we got spotted by a security lady who was cycling around the place on a bicycle with a wicker basket on the front. She saw us and radioed in backup. My friend made a run for it across rubble and I just stayed put, not wanting to be speared by rebar jutting out of the rubble. The security guard who caught was a lovely fella - very friendly and level headed and actually gave me a lift back to the car park where my friend and I had parked after driving me around to the front of the building to photograph the pediment above the main entrance. The lady on the bike however... absolute jobsworth. Ranting to me and shouting over me how trespass was illegal and how she was going to call the police and have me put in prison. So I told her, and I quote, to "shut the bloody hell up and do your research on the law, you zealot". At that point I got my phone out and did a quick google and showed her how she was in the wrong with her threats. She shut up pretty damn quickly after that and made excuses about being needed elsewhere and cycled off. If she's reading this, I hope you've done your research on the law surrounding trespass! Enjoy the photos!

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Last photo before being spotted is above. Now for a photo of the pediment which the guard very kindly took me to see.

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Thanks for readin'!


Great report and write up well done on getting in there .:thumb
Thank you! What was there was cool. Hopefully going sometime soon to see if I can get inside the original 18th century part of the site.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Good report. Some nice peeling going on. The last photo is pretty cool. Like the ornateness. yep well done on gaining entry. lol like the googling, that shut her up. Cant stand a jobs worth.:thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great read & pictures. I’m always fascinated in Haslar as it’s local to me & been there as a patient & on a Heritage Tour walking round the grounds mainly! So amazing you all got in!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi! Yes Haslar is still there as I live not far from there and it is going through redevelopment to become a "waterside residency" at the moment which seems to have been going on for ages! Haslar was an amazing hospital before. People seem to still explore as lots of videos on YouTube or references on here, but it has security measures put in place.


28DL Member
28DL Member
The same day I visited Fort Gilkicker, I paid Haslar a visit as well. For those of you that don't know, Haslar is a former Royal Naval Hospital in Gosport, Hampshire, directly opposite Portsmouth's dockyards. The hospital closed in 2009 after 256 years of operation. The new owners are currently redeveloping the site into a new "urban village" with retirement housing, new build seasfront flats and a "boutique hotel" (I hate that overly sugary terminology...!). Security is, as you would expect, bloody high. And it's an absolute mission to get anywhere near the buildings without being spotted!

The Explore:

We arrived at the seaside section of the place and made our way in without being spotted. The buildings we explored first were early 20th century wards, which I believe were psychiatric wards. Reason for this is because I read Haslar had a mental health section and these buildings were very similar to the old Victorian/Edwardian asylum style. They were rather interesting to explore, with plenty of peeling paint and interesting features left over. However, once we left that site, we got spotted by a security lady who was cycling around the place on a bicycle with a wicker basket on the front. She saw us and radioed in backup. My friend made a run for it across rubble and I just stayed put, not wanting to be speared by rebar jutting out of the rubble. The security guard who caught was a lovely fella - very friendly and level headed and actually gave me a lift back to the car park where my friend and I had parked after driving me around to the front of the building to photograph the pediment above the main entrance. The lady on the bike however... absolute jobsworth. Ranting to me and shouting over me how trespass was illegal and how she was going to call the police and have me put in prison. So I told her, and I quote, to "shut the bloody hell up and do your research on the law, you zealot". At that point I got my phone out and did a quick google and showed her how she was in the wrong with her threats. She shut up pretty damn quickly after that and made excuses about being needed elsewhere and cycled off. If she's reading this, I hope you've done your research on the law surrounding trespass! Enjoy the photos!

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Last photo before being spotted is above. Now for a photo of the pediment which the guard very kindly took me to see.

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Thanks for readin'!
Has the new development been built yet, this place looks amazing


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
From what I know locally it certainly has not been completed seems like there is lots of work that needs to be done and think it won't be finished for a long time. The apartments are open now though for viewing and selling I think and have chatted to some people whom live in the houses within Haslar, but all the other stuff is still left.


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