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Report - - Adelphi Lads Club - Salford - September 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Adelphi Lads Club - Salford - September 2020

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Wife and husband
28DL Full Member

History -
The Adelphi Lads Club was formed in 1888 to give local boys from deprived areas a venue to do something to stay out of trouble. In 1921, the Lads Club moved to the corner of Cannon Street, cornering North George Street. In it’s duration, the club ran many sports teams including boxing and football, as well as teaching lessons in book and clog repairs.The club was described as a second home or family to many of it’s members.
In the 1950’s Adelphi was one of the oldest surviving and most traditional clubs in Britain. It’s impact of the community had weakened in the 2000’s, with a lack of interest and vandalism making the club financially impossible to maintain. In April 2010 however, a fire started in the building mains hall after a group of youths had been spotted loitering on the roof. Among the fire, not only was the building damaged, but hundreds of historic mementos and pictures of former members who fought and died in the war were lost.

Explore - We found this by accident when we where looking for parking in Salford for another explore. It looked interesting so we had a mooch round and found access. It was pretty grim with a lot of evidence of people living there and drug use etc. The pictures suffered as I was expecting the 'residents' to appear any minute so it was quite rushed and we missed some bits.














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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice little explore. Welcome to 28dl. Nice to see someone posting straight away. :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely photographed, must have been a tidy place before it was trashed.


Putting the fun in dysfunctional
Regular User
It is a shame. Ran for 120 years as well. Bet there's a lot people in Salford with memories of this place.
Certainly is a shame its gone downhill so badly, all those years serving the community.
Cracking report though

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