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Report - - Wright & Jobson, Bristol Mill Galashiels. July 2021 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Wright & Jobson, Bristol Mill Galashiels. July 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We have stopped at this place a few times on various Scotland trips recently and its always been sealed. Anyway after a early fail elsewhere we stopped by here again. To our delight this time it was open. Some decent bits of decay and some things left to look at. Like mentioned on other reports the down stairs has been used for garage/car spares storage by the look of it. The stairs had been removed to the upper levels so a climb up off a table and tressel was required. Not to bad going up, a nightmare coming down. Better decay and features on the upper levels in my opinion so I'm glad I made the climb. Glad to finally see inside at last. Another one of the ever changing list.

Bristol Spinning Mill was erected in 1885 by Roberts, Dobson and Company. In 1895 it became the property of William Roberts and was used to supply yarn to Victoria Mill until 1905. In 1921 the mill was taken over by Wright and Jobson, who built the large extension on the NW end of the mill, re-equipping it with mules still in use until the mill closed in 1998 and the machinery was removed. The machine layouts are held in the National archives of Scotland, West Register House.


















Thanks For Looking :thumb

More pics on my Flickr page - Bristol Mill | Flickr
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The Amateur Wanderer

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great stuff, the live one down the road ironically called Huddersfield Mill is worth a sneak about too, some very nice mills in that area.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That's a nice mill. Bit stripped but nice features. Quite a few old mills along the Scottish borders.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice set of photos:


I have always liked this ear protection sign, only ever seen it in a few places., Ended up having a friend make one for my shed lol
Yep, great design this one. For a simple drawing it really works well. Certainly no ambiguity.
I'm sure a mate of mine used the design for a music label he had releasing tapes ages ago. I'll see if I can find one of the tapes.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This a place we once stopped at @dweeb @Speed

Good effort all the same and thanks for sharing, one thing, I'm being picky here, but shouty caps lock thread title :thumb
Thanks Ojay :thumb
I copied and pasted the title thread from another report tbh mate. Just changed the date. I have never really thought about anything looking shouty but, i can see what you mean.
Changed it now bud. Not posted for ages. a bit rusty :)
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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nicely covered. Like millage and the big open spaces. Old signs are always a winner. Id love to collect them, but alas no room.

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