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hello this is warning for fiddler ferry


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ridiculous answer 🙄

Why? You clearly don't know how High Court Injunctions work so I merely suggested you go and find out.

Copies of the injunction (all 600+ pages) are in boxes dotted around the entry points and a minimum of 40 (I believe) A3 posters have been ordered by the court to be placed around the boundary fence to satisfy the notice to "Defendant 1" this being "Persons Unknown" and covers everyone from Urbexers to Copper Choppers and Even yes.... Dog Walkers.

Holes in the fence, entrance left wide open it doesn't matter. Plead ignorance all you want but if Peel decide you are a "Tresspasser" you are not only liable for normal trespass but you are in breach of the high court injunction which carries an Unlimited Fine and/or up to three years in prison (from memory).

It's the same legal avenue many power stations used to dispurse eco protests back in the day and more recently on motorways to stop idiots gluing their hands to the M25. Sure it's a civil matter so not technically "criminal" but the courts look down very dimly in matters of contempt and whether it's criminal or not doesn't matter if a judge decides to issue you with a custodial sentence.


Why? You clearly don't know how High Court Injunctions work so I merely suggested you go and find out.

Copies of the injunction (all 600+ pages) are in boxes dotted around the entry points and a minimum of 40 (I believe) A3 posters have been ordered by the court to be placed around the boundary fence to satisfy the notice to "Defendant 1" this being "Persons Unknown" and covers everyone from Urbexers to Copper Choppers and Even yes.... Dog Walkers.

Holes in the fence, entrance left wide open it doesn't matter. Plead ignorance all you want but if Peel decide you are a "Tresspasser" you are not only liable for normal trespass but you are in breach of the high court injunction which carries an Unlimited Fine and/or up to three years in prison (from memory).

It's the same legal avenue many power stations used to dispurse eco protests back in the day and more recently on motorways to stop idiots gluing their hands to the M25. Sure it's a civil matter so not technically "criminal" but the courts look down very dimly in matters of contempt and whether it's criminal or not doesn't matter if a judge decides to issue you with a custodial sentence.
Omg I've never even visited Liverpool let alone walked into a derelict site lol calm your passion you will give yourself a heart attack lol


28DL Member
28DL Member
im spliffy my friend told me about warning at power station we went to go to but carnt as bad news for urbexers cos company seem piss off with people get court on sight here and injunction on there page now.

They have target some people who post videos in internt and you tube and etc and have show sum videos

This is scare urbexers so wont go here and if get court police an security will proscute for trespasing

This is just a friend warning as we where going weekend and can see on websight now they have leagle procedings for to scar people going for urbexing and videos

Squatting in non-residential properties​

A non-residential property is any building or land that is not designed to be lived in.
Simply being on another person’s non-residential property without their permission is not usually a crime. The police can take action if squatters commit other crimes when entering or staying in a property.
Crimes include:
  • causing damage when entering the property
  • causing damage while in the property
  • not leaving when they’re told to by a court
  • stealing from the property
  • using utilities like electricity or gas without permission
  • fly-tipping
  • not obeying a noise abatement notice this works for me every time whenever or if i get coght


Exploring with Bob
28DL Full Member
FYI - The 'goons' did not get the big folded of paper work 14 days prior. They received them on Thursday PM for court on the Monday AM
Which states any defence had to be submitted two clear working days prior to the hearing date.
Peel representatives dropped them off on the Thursday to their homes individually late on purpose.
They will not get far in trying for legal costs especially with half of them named. Yes some have posted on social media and bragged and videoed.
Some of them were at the site once end of January and got caught/arrested. Released with out charge. - as they had evidence it were their first time there and also a news paper article which showed the entry being open that they had used to gain access - there for no criminal dammage was done by these and they had proof of entry and the opening already there and they had also videoed privately on their phones footage of their duration there. Which again proves no dammage / unlawful entry.

Like I said above that is the case for some of them named however some others on that list have bragged previously on social media. Peel should not be taking some of these names to court at all it's ridiculous trying to tar normal private explorers with the same brush.

I have seen the entire court paper work and videos - the evidence they have is against half of those names, nothing on any of the others apart from them being caught on the premises end of January.
And solicitors that were called in advised them not to attend the hearing due to the short notice which wasn't acceptable with enough time to raise a defence which were brought to the attention of the court on the Friday afternoon prior to the case.

Some of the names also were not even arrested at that time and only got listed due to sharing Facebook videos on their wall publicly previously.
Everyone has seen the court paperwork, it’s publicly available.

It was an application for interim injunction and under the Civil Procedure Rules, the defendants were meant to get three clear days notice. Although the court has discretion to hear the application with less notice and the Court exercised it’s discretion in view of the evidence and the injunction was granted despite short notice. It looks like the claimant’s solicitors were able to cite more recent incidents of trespass into the site as justification for the need for the Court to hear the application with less notice.

The defendants now have the opportunity to file a defence and defend themselves at the final hearing, if they wish. The application may have been made with short notice (and three days is short notice in any event, but permitted under the CPR in situations like this), however; the purpose of an interim injunction is to prevent something from happening (trespass onto the Fiddler’s Ferry site, where the claimants say there is a risk of injury or death they cannot otherwise control) pending a final hearing. So, the defendants do have the opportunity to defend themselves, it’s just they (and importantly anyone not named in the application who trespass - “persons unknown”) cannot trespass on the site pending the final hearing.

The only reason anyone could claim to have nothing to worry from an Order for Costs, is they have nothing to their name - no money, no assets, no nothing
 which is an unfortunate situation for anyone to be in to begin with.


Exploring with Bob
28DL Full Member
who put 50p in the clueless idiots all of a sudden :rofl
My favorite is, "I have personally spoken with the goons" or "I have seen the paperwork", seems to amount to, "I have considerable experience in this area of law and litigation in general and speak from a position of considerable authority", in their fentanyl addled brains.

Urbex g00n

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me thicko ! Pot kettle, you need to read a lot more facts before calling me thick lol 😆

You clearly are, do you not understand the severity of these injunctions ? Civil pffft, good luck with any of you chumps thinking you can go up against the likes of Peel!

I hope the lot of you get rinsed :wanker


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Been in a few times. Got caught by security once and they escorted us out. They were really nice about it actually. I always expected them to ramp up security at the turn of the year though as they were starting to remove asbestos from some old buildings. The towers come down in July so you can imagine they need to be sure there's no one in there.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know most of these di**s, they are all 20 year olds apart from Craig and Chris, they are the type to smash places up and terror security, can’t stand them for it

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