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Question - LED Lenser Coloured Filters


Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
I've spotted some online, a la this, but does anyone actually have experience? What do people suggest? I have 3 LED Lensers, a P7 and two L7s which are the same diameter where it counts, so a set that I could use on multiple torches would be great. Thanks!


"You BOY!
Regular User
It's got to be better than this crap I bought.




It had just the one cap and you had to fiddle clipping the 4 glass filters into it. I even contacted led lenser to ask if they would had any spare caps I could purchase. They said they didn't supply them seperately.
It's all pointless now as I've lost my P7. I've got two holders though.:banghead

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
If they had orange, I'd definitely buy them. Orange light makes you virtually invisible in an urban environment at night.

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
...the best colour would be red. I know special forces use red filters and shine then in their eyes to see better in the dark...

Red light does a lot of things like it's 'dull', doesn't travel far, and doesn't damage your night vision. One thing that doesn't happen though is SF shining it straight in their eyes.

The Franconian

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Depends what you need them for, but I got some colour folios for free as waste from a stage lighting guy.
You can put them behind the plastic screen of a Petzl tikka for example or be creative in other ways to fix them at your lamp.
colour filter catalogue
The filters from the catalogue are a bit small, but many for little money
Mine eat lots of light, maybe get something better from a hobby shop.
(tea light candle cups could fit the P7)
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off the wall
Regular User
I found them a bit fiddly, to be honest and they scratch easily so you have to keep all four colours in seperate wrappings to protect them. On top of that, the cap tends to pop off the end of the P7.
The holder was nice though, and since I lost my original holder, I now just use that one and rarely use the filters... if ever.


Northern Monkey
28DL Full Member
If it's for something more permanent and not just multi-colour light painting then you can get coloured cree bulbs for less than a fiver from ebay (like this blue one), just the two wires to solder on.

I bought some flash gels and use those very occasionally for light painting with the flash and torches but never had satisfactory results :rolleyes:


inquisitive historian
28DL Full Member
I got some for my P7, not used them properly as yet but they seem ok for long exposure/light painting photos


Chatbox Retard
28DL Full Member
Use to be able to get free sample book from lee filters, just adapt them


rebmeM LD82
Regular User
Use to be able to get free sample book from lee filters, just adapt them

I just use an elastic band with those filters. I think they stopped offering them thou - probably as too many people were ordering them, but you can still buy the swatch books for about a fiver from places if you hunt around (ebay) you get loads of different colours as well - does the job for me!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
An observer in a very dark place will have eyes that are fully adjusted to night vision mode (it takes a few minutes for them to switch over). They will be able to see the slightest amount of white light. Eyes are especially sensitive just off the centre of vision. However night vision is much less sensitive at the deep red end of the spectrum. If you use the right type of red filter (on the edge of IR and letting no shorter wavelength light through) the observer will not be able to see it anywhere near as well as white, even for the same brightness. (The downside is that neither will you, but you are a lot closer to the torch, so have more light to play with.)

A second effect is that using a red light will not switch off your night vision, so you will be able to see better in the dark and consequently can use less light from the torch, making you less visible again.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Another technique to combine with coloured filters is to use a 1m length of leaky light guide, like this stuff:

Scratch it slightly with sandpaper evenly all the way along to make it leak more along its length. Then in a long exposure waggle it around the area, making a cool coloured "smoke" effect.

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