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  1. Dead-Drop

    Video Report - Abandoned Theme Park, Elektrėnai, Lithuania 2019

    I visited Lithuania for two week July of 2019, exploring locations in Vilnius, Kaunas and special locations like this one, in Elektrėnai. This theme park is currently being demolished. I was one of the last people to capture what it looked like. Hope you enjoy. :)
  2. NottinghamUrbexNewbie

    Report - Firbeck Colliery- May 2019

    The constuction of Firbeck Colliery began in 1923 by the Firbeck Main Colliery Company Ltd with the sinking of the two shafts, mining began in 1925 on the Barnsley Bed Seam, this seam would end up been the only one worked by Firbeck in it's rather short career. In 1934 the Firbeck Pit Head...
  3. obscureserenity

    Report - A night in the Paris Metro - October 2018

    A night in the Paris Metro My first report for a while and I felt that my photos from each location wouldn't create a substantial enough report. Because of this I decided to compile them into a more lengthy post, documenting the night in which we explored various sections of the Paris Metro. I...
  4. ForgottenProductions

    Video - Canada's Abandoned Water Park Resort

    In 2018 we explored this #abandoned water park located in the woods, in Ontario Canada. This place has bee explored by many YouTubers such as Exploring with Josh and others, come and join us as we get eaten by bugs, take you throughout the resort and down the water slides. Update: In March of...
  5. Exploring.With.KMK

    Report - Typhoo Tea Factory - Birmingham, March 2019

    We know this place has been done many times, but as we are new starting up, we thought we’d make this our first explore. When we originally got there, we found no way in but we didn’t give up. After wondering around for about half hour, we noticed a couple of homeless guys inside, and after...
  6. SomersetScavenger

    Question - Somerset Sites?

    Good Afternoon all, I’m new to this urban exploration and a few friends have also taken to do doing this. We are looking for places around Somerset we can go and explore, the internet doesn’t seem to have many positive results but we did find a couple cool places to go take some pictures...
  7. D

    Question - northumberland

    hi, im new to the exploring scene and i am wondering if you guys know of any good places in Northumberland i could check out?
  8. Clarky1503

    Video - Byone pub's - The Old Sodality Club - Leigh Lancashire - Feb - 2018

    The Old Sodality Club #Leigh Lanc's This video is the first of my new series #bygonepubs where Il be documenting the steady decline of these wonderful gathering holes as the corporations' franchises and chains etc increase their stamp on society. I've had wonderful feedback from many people...