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Report - - 12-14 New Fetter Lane, London - January 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - 12-14 New Fetter Lane, London - January 2015


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
After a month or so out of the game in January due to various things kicking off, once I had returned from a conference in Leeds I was straight out to meet up with some of the gang and to get back up high. Going over a fence for the first time in a while was a nice feeling. It also gave me an excuse to try out the little clamp my brother got me for christmas. Unfortunately it was made of plastic and snapped on the third photo, so I reverted to tripod, which shortly afterwards would take a turn for the worst.

Explored with Adders, Gabe, Ojay and Slaya.


"12/14 New Fetter Lane is a new 140,000 square foot development which will occupy an island site in the heart of Midtown: opposite the thriving restaurants, retail and offices of New Street Square, next door to the new Commercial Courts in the Rolls Building and within walking distance of the Crossrail station at Farringdon, currently under construction.
"The architecturally striking new building, designed by Bogle Flanagan Lawrence Silver, will be arranged over 13 storeys, offering floors from 9,500 to 12,750 square feet with floor to ceiling glazing and spectacular views over central London."


On top of the main 13 storey building is a baby crane, and these pictures are taken from that. I'd gotten off the train, dumped my work stuff, picked up my camera bag, and was in the pub to meet the others within the hour. After a couple of pints and an American conspiracy theorist with a double bass, we walked out into the very cold Sunday night, and made our way down to Fetter Lane.


Slayaaaa and Adders chilling out. Literally. It was very cold that night.


You'll have to excuse me if any white balances seem odd, I'm colour-blind and can't adjust too well afterwards. But whatever, I've been caring less and less about the photo side of things, and just wanting to have a beer (or wine in this case) somewhere cool with my friends. If there is some Wu Tang on the speakers, that's even better.


Apologies too if the photos are a bit repetetive - the remaining ones below were taken from the top of the counterweight/counterjib-if-that's-what-it's-called of the crane, where I made some progress with the wine.





Thanks for reading. What a totally cool photo below...


Sir Jonny Penishead​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You guys got it.

Just my sense of humour, One of the things that made me head up cranes was the annoyingly high (no pun intended) prices of the rooftop bars in London.
Its nice to chill out up in the sky.

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