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28DL Spring Photo Competition 2023

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Photo contest


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Choices ?



Staff member
Apologies, there was an issue with the thread, I’ve fixed it now and had the reactions recounted so it’s up-to-date now. As a result I’ve extended it a few more days to make up for it.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
I have way way too many in the archives to pic just one, but here goes. This was the time a band of plucky young, and not so young men decided to wade thu live sewers, to then throw ourselves into the unknown in pursuit of seeing Eddies Vortex

No one died..



Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
To my eyes anyway, that disk of light on the floor ups it from a good but not memorable pic, to something way better. My focus keep getting drawn backwards and forwards between the pool of light on the floor and the light from the portal. Liking it!

Alice o123

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
To my eyes anyway, that disk of light on the floor ups it from a good but not memorable pic, to something way better. My focus keep getting drawn backwards and forwards between the pool of light on the floor and the light from the portal. Liking it!
Thank you!

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