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Video - - 4g Antena - Buenos Aires Outskirts- August 2020 | Urban Exploring Videos |

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Hello, i had been lurking around the northern part of Buenos Aires for a while now, and as far as i got explained ,this Antenna bounces 4g.5g (internet and cellphone) signal all around the Far Northern Neightborhoods of the City and the beggining of the Provinces. The coast visible is the Rio de la Plata Coast (Silver River) which is one of the widest Rivers in the world, and it leads up to East Atalantic Ocean. It is the same coast Uruguay has.

The Antena itself was quite easy to climb, the only real part i got on my nerves was at the very end, where vertical inclination of it tilts like 20 degrees backwards. It kinda feels like one of those upside down rollercoasters, you feel that G force pulling you sideways .
I don`t talk too much, but you can activate English subs on the botton right (click on the 'spanish' ones , they are the english ones.)

Old lurker here that has decided to start filming stuff.

best regards


Staff member
Moved this here, as videos don't go down too well on the main forum :thumb


O high
Staff member
Decent location that - makes a change to being in the middle of nowhere like a lot of them