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A 'Film Shots' Thread

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The Rock Man
28DL Full Member
Track - Cwmorthin Slate Mine


Olympus OM1 + Rollei Retro 100


Regular User
Anybody know the cheapest place to develop Fuji Sensia, T64 (E-6 process stuff) without it taking a long time to be returned?

I don't want prints just the images on a disk, which leads me to the second question.

I've had one of those cheap 35mm negative scanners for a while but have I began to notice that in some areas of the image, especially shadows, it gets darkened out.

Apparently the scanner has Auto Exposure so my guess is that it's trying to correct the image when it doesn't really need it, it's not a massive problem but sometimes detail is missed especially with daytime photographs.

Any ideas how to combat this? I've been scanning the negatives quicker as the scanners AE setting is pretty slow so you can usually beat over darkening.

New/better scanner?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Anybody know the cheapest place to develop Fuji Sensia, T64 (E-6 process stuff) without it taking a long time to be returned?

I don't want prints just the images on a disk, which leads me to the second question.

I've had one of those cheap 35mm negative scanners for a while but have I began to notice that in some areas of the image, especially shadows, it gets darkened out.

Apparently the scanner has Auto Exposure so my guess is that it's trying to correct the image when it doesn't really need it, it's not a massive problem but sometimes detail is missed especially with daytime photographs.

Any ideas how to combat this? I've been scanning the negatives quicker as the scanners AE setting is pretty slow so you can usually beat over darkening.

New/better scanner?

Epson v500 at around £130 on Amazon is really good value. I'm really pleased with the results I have been getting from it.. which are so much better than from the v300 I was using, which is the next one down in their line... If you can afford it the v700 / 750 are meant to be amazing scanners, but they aren't cheap.

I take my E-6 to Genie Imaging in London: £2.30 a roll process-only. You'd be hard pushed to beat that price and I have never had any problems with the results. It usually only takes them 2-3 days to get the order done too... They do a 2-hour pro service but it costs a lot more...


Germany is the "wurst"
28DL Full Member
Just got my scanner up and running an holy crap, it rocks.

Taken with a Zenit 12FS, Kodak TX400:



Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
A few from me from an old film shot in 2009

Looking from the roof of the Williamson Art Gallery over to the skyline of Liverpool

Inside the Art Gallery

From the One Eyed City to The Liver Birds



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
My first adventures in film, Canon T70 and Poundland Kodak ISO200 film, plus a really rubbish scanner. Various places I've visited since February and finally got round to getting developed.











28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've personally used mainly film for my explores with a several different soviet or eastern german cameras.


I've always liked the look of Steetley, shame its so bloody cold (and demolished)


I had been using a Zenit TTL (with the Moscow Olympics logo) until it died after this photo.

The Next two are from a Praktica Super TL1000

This is one of the photos from before the Newcastle meet-up


I have always been a fan of keys, they are always around but with no real use anymore. Sadly my flash died so I had to go for a short long exposure.

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