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A 'Film Shots' Thread

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just a quick snap up a riverside crane from a daft night a few weeks ago.

I've got far too many films laying around waiting to be developed :(


Stats: Ilford HP5 souped in Rodinal for an hour or so.

The Amateur Wanderer

28DL Regular User
Regular User
South Bank Coke Works, Nikon F2 First Test Roll

A pair of photographs taken on my newly acquired Nikon F2, using a pre AI Nikkor 50mm F1.4 Lens, shooting Agfa ASA 200 Film. This was the first roll that I've put through the camera so far and I'm pleased with how the pics have come out. I will be using a separate light meter from now on though, as I feel the meter in my DP-2 Prism is a bit out, that said, for 40+ year old tech I wasn't expecting it to be bang on.
Also worth noting that my scanner is not the best, prints and negs are looking a lot better!



Thanks for viewing!


living in a cold world
Regular User
Sexy shit that Ektar. I've recently loaded up my first roll of it too, normally swear by Portra so not gotten around to using it before now!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sweet, look forward to seeing your results! I'm liking it alot, only really used cheap Agfa stuff up until now which tends to give muddy brown tones to night shots so was much happier with the blacks the Ektar produced.

I've always heard positive things about Portra (and your results speak for themselves) so it's definitely one I want to try soon!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's really nice :thumb

Fisheye aswell? Is that shot with a proper film fisheye lens or do you use an adaptor to mount a more modern lens? Would love to try some fisheye with film!


Bespectacled & irrelevant
Regular User
I'm not sure if you mean the shot above or the one I'd posted originally, the one above is with a 24 1.4, which is about as modern as it gets. I do use a fisheye with film too, it's a sigma 15 and it's lovely for it.



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