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A 'Film Shots' Thread

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Bespectacled & irrelevant
Regular User
Nice! I need to get out with the film camera again soon... got some B&W loaded up right now that needs using
I've ended up with three that I like to use at the moment, so I keep on having half shot films sitting in them. I'm too much of a pussy to use film for 'serious' exploring.


Maglite size T-rex, It's time for urbex!
28DL Full Member
I've ended up with three that I like to use at the moment, so I keep on having half shot films sitting in them. I'm too much of a pussy to use film for 'serious' exploring.

Hahaha, that's me all over, several cameras with half used rolls in them.

I'd be confident enough to take only a film camera for quite a lot of places now.... but for anything really big or epic I'd always go digital

Boba Low

SWC ___/
28DL Full Member
Both wrong, the only way to enjoy an explore is to bring exclusively one 35mm slr with unknown battery life (if applicable). Take loads of shit shots cos your nervous on really expensive but ultimately well expired slide film, to be developed haphazardly by some 16 year old in a boutique lab for twice the original cost of the film. Upon receipt of the prints/slides/scans, best practice is to promptly lose them, to rematerialise either 2 years after demolition/exploring season, or never.

So rewarding.
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Bespectacled & irrelevant
Regular User
1970's social housing estates in Hong Kong. 6x7 Ilford and Ektar







28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Whenever I see a notification pop up for the film shots thread and see @drhowser I know it's going to be good.

Those are banging. Always baffles me how ridiculously big those Hong Kong housing estates look.
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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I can't really compete with you guys as I rarely use my film camera, but here are a selection of average shots from the last few years.








28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Anyone here ever shot with Cinestill 800 at all?

Been having a look at this recently and really love the look it produces, especially for city/night shots. Tempted to give it a try but at around £15 a roll for 35mm (before processing) it's a pricey roll of film!

Seems to be quite popular in the states but have seen very little of anyone shooting any over here so would be interested to hear anyone's veridict on it who does!

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