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A Life in Ruins - 100 Photos From 10 Years of Exploring the UK | Noteworthy Reports | Page 6 |

A Life in Ruins - 100 Photos From 10 Years of Exploring the UK

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I too discovered this whole Urbex thing back in the early 2000's, having been a bored civil servant trawling the net for US asylums and abandoned places while on a back shift. I used to follow Simon Cornwells site waiting impatiently for updates, and the CRCMH site with the infamous 'Flincher' and super band Pwurg! I was also massively embarrassed about it too, worrying that people would find it weird that I loved sneaking round abandoned places!!

My first ever explore was the local borstal/approved school, St Peters in Gainford. Relatively small and uninspiring, but when I discovered the graffiti daubed on the walls in the gym and heard the stories from former pupils, the eeriness of the place and nerves gave me a buzz ive never forgotten, and that was basically what grew my interest in urbex in a big way.

It all seems a bit different now I am older and a bit wiser and with a family, but back then I didn't think twice about squirming through tight gaps and outwitting/being chased by security guards, for the chance of getting inside and seeing something Id never get chance to see otherwise.

Looking back now, I just wish I had the resources and determination at the time to get in the car and travel further afield to see more than just local sites like Cherry Knowle, St Georges and St Marys! I remember my jealousy at all those who lived in and about London and Surrey, having all of those sprawling hospitals to chose from. Cane Hill, Hellingly and West Park in particular. That said, I was in Colchester last summer and made a pilgrimage to Severalls. I had the wife and kids in the car so could only drive around the grounds like, don't think she would have been too chuffed had I abandoned them in the car in the middle of a derelict lunatic asylum while I poked around the wards!

Anyway, reminiscing over, and while Im not a massively active contributor to the site in the way of reports, Im just glad to be part of a scene that I love, and that countless others do to!

Aleks Hayward

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
this is absoltely inspiring, i have only discovered urbex recently, quite late compared to everyone else at age 26. I'm slowly but surely building up the confidence and balls to do bigger and better things. Photos like these absolutely inspire me and i am so envious and impressed that you've been dedicated enough to go and do this stuff. hopefully one day I will too.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I had another look at the photos many moons later. It is hard to pick a favourite there are so many goodies! I see Mother Nature is fighting back in some of your 'finds'. I love a bit of ivy, me! It is remarkable to me, a crumbly, that
some things depicted were 'ordinary' to me during my life, going concerns where people went to work...
Except for 28 Days these properties - industrial , agricultural or whatever, would go unrecorded. Well done Speed.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Wonder who has that 1275GT now?

One of the motor museums has it now. Possibly Gaydon? Some chancer bought it, supposedly to 'restore it', but slightly ruined it by trying to straighten it out then tried to sell it at auction for 40k.. Of course they failed and then then it ended up in the museum, i hope thy didnt pay for it.

little_ boy_explores

Its amazing to see theses old/new pics 10years of greatness


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well. Looking through those pictures was both an absolute pleasure, and a slight chore. I'm sure you know what I mean by that. If not, I can't put into words the feeling of inspiration being destroyed by the dreaded possibility that the reality of these wonderful images is no longer in existence. I truly hope this is not the case. However, I know in some situations, it is... So thanks for documenting what some of us will never get to see.

Excellent work, sir. You are an inspiration and a scholar. Keep it up!

Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for being.


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Exploring with Bob
28DL Full Member
Not sure how I haven't read through this before, but I think knowing more about some of the places you've explored now, than I would have done had I read it sooner, has made me appreciate it more. So there is always that. Cracking collection of snaps, only out done by the places you've been.

I can appreciate more now why you sometimes seem to lament the passing of those days.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Now that is a collection I envy. Absolute quality shots m8 and I bet you have some stories to tell from all your adventures. It was a pleasure.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Really nice this. Great to see the older places. Missed out on so much. But lucky that I have seen a lot listed here. I wished I had seen the Tolly Cobbold Brewery with the vats inside.

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