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Abandoned caravan park, Staffordshire - Summer 2019 | Other Sites |

Abandoned caravan park, Staffordshire - Summer 2019

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28DL Member
28DL Member
This Is one of my first urban explores I have done a few in the past and I am currently looking at doing a few more I come across this old caravan site where there was around 20 old caravan that's were from the 1980 up until 1990s the latest newspaper I found there was from 2000s so I guess this was abandoned in the early 2000s it was very interesting and very strange if anyone knows of anywhere please let me no and I would also be up for coming to do some exploring with people that are also interested










28DL Member
28DL Member
HI, great pics and explore. I am doing a project on abandoned caravans and live in Shropshire. Any chance you could let me know where this is? thanks

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Good effort. Id try to get your photos straight though, a tripod or auto straighten program. Just my personal preference though, some may like angled shots. Some history of the area would have been nice, if not about the site. But well done for 1st report, we like people who contribute :D

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Haha these were taken on my phone and I was sort of in a rush mate and as for the history I've looked everywhere and I could find anything and anyone that's interested in the location drop me a personal message
Fair enough mate, I wouldnt of hung about either to be fair lol.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi sorry I completely forgot about this thread I’ve had a lot of messages for the location and to save me answering individually the location is dimmingsdale staffordshire next to Alton towers it’s at the top of the big hill near the car park please look on google earth can spot it a mile off


28DL Member
28DL Member
Thanks found them myself the other day, taken ages to work out where they were. Ended up speaking to a local who told us loads of information about it all and the family that own it, plus showed a fabulous hidden view and a face in the wall. tried googling info and you come back with nothing, and even the locals have never even hear of the caravan site!

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