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Report - - SOLK Furniture - Leeds - Aug 23 - Part Two | Industrial Sites |

Report - SOLK Furniture - Leeds - Aug 23 - Part Two

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Looking for beauty
28DL Full Member
Hello again,

Part two of the Solk furniture site. This half of the site is mostly warehouses and storage however there is also a room at the back of the site where it looks like some locals hang out and get up to no good. As you'll see in the photos, getting up to the second level above the loading bay, we found alot of furniture just left to rot in boxes and bags. From what I've read they were in administration for at least 2 years so I'm not sure why theres were missed but I guess they make for a nice easter egg as almost everything else on site has been stripped out.

These warehouses were especially deralict and overgrown



If you've ever played "The Division" then this part of the warehouse will give you that vibe. Plastic sheetings and yellow paint everywhere



Rotten sofa left in the open



Old door leading to the loading bay


Trashed "hangout spot" at the back. Oddly enough the fridges you see on the floor were filled to the brim with roof tiles. If you have any idea what that's about, let me know



Map left pinned to the wall in a dark back room



Front office with a door leading to the street. On the right there is a hole in the wall that leads to these stairs. They go to the basement but it looks like they were boarded up and went unused


The basement was super dark and I didn't have a torch so i resorted to using my camera flash. We found this door that lead to even more spaces, it felt like a maze



We found a ruined electrical room. It was concerning that there was an audible humming coming from the room and the Ammeter hand was shivering up and down, so we decided to leave it be and not poke around too long

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We had no ladder and I badly wanted to get up into that room at the top

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We resorted to pushing this wood pallet against the wall and using it as a makeshift ladder. Pipes were very dodgey

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The room had been pretty badly burned as it was above the burned out room that I posted in part one. I wish I had a mask for this room too as the it was filthy. Probably around 20 to 30 chairs and sofa segments just left in boxes and bags.


The burned out room below


Tried this very dodgey ladder to try and get up thr chimney tower however the trapdoor at the top was locked tight. Got cobwebs all in my hair as well :(

Hope you enjoyed the photos. This is the last of my backlog so it may be awhile until my next report. I've got a few places I wanna check out but we will see. If you're in or around south west London and you wanna check some stuff out together feel free to message me.
I'm always trying to improve my photography so if you have any composition, settings or editing advice for me I'd love to hear it.

Until next time
