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Lead or Rumour info - Abandoned greenhouses near Southampton

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I joined a while back to ask about this place but held off as it seemed to be connected to a occupied house, having went past this area again last week, the house seems to be now abandoned as it now has ply-board over the windows (with some graffiti).

I have no idea what the story behind it is, a look on Google street view outside the gates to it seems to indicate that is something to do with a nursery for plants, seems as if they have been abandoned for a while as well. It’s not huge and most of the greenhouses seem to be overgrown to the point where entry would be impossible but I thought it might interest some people, at least until it presumably gets torn down/destroyed by youths and turned into a housing estate or some sort of supermarket.

It’s near Swanwick, right alongside the M27, it can be seen from the motorway. No idea about security, there are three houses on the site, one seems abandoned long before this, the other one still seems to be occupied at least going by Google street view from October 2023 (caravan, cars on the drive) and the other house close to the location I'm guessing was bordered up recently.

I am not sure if this violates the rules or anything, but it seemed like an interesting area. I would go myself but I don’t have transport.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Gullfield Nursery? - Looks like its probably closed, there are mentions of it on Fareham Planning draft plan, plus a company named Foreman Homes on Companies House suggest development comprising 16 new homes along with Vivid Housing - dated April 2024 - suggest it'll be built on soon.

If you can get a train to Swanick, its across the motorway bridge.