Interesting to hear security has gotten more intense in recent years. I have to say I'm shocked at the amount of security everywhere I go - remote locations down dirt tracks, dumpy houses without much interest in the middle of the woods, doesn't matter, there's CCTV. Usually with motion sensors as well. Who knows if they're even working, but It all seems very intense compared to what I was used to in the states.
The technological advancement in security now compared to what it was like when I personally began 15 years ago is definitely something. Back then it was rare to find things with anything more serious than wooden boards or metal sheeting or in the case of larger locations, a bored guard sat in a cabin somewhere. Nowadays the remote monitored CCTV towers are becoming more and more present, in more and more surprising locations (I found a load of them around the ruinous Overstone Hall earlier in the summer for instance!). They're not infallible of course but are a very visible deterrent for a lot of people, more so than just steel sheeting covering windows or doors.
Going off on a bit of a tangent but somewhat relevant as it plays into the constant battle between owners wanting to keep people out and us wanting to get in - I think the most amusing case of evolving security vs the people is the case of the Detroit Public Schools organisation - schools there pretty much all start out heavily secured and alarmed but over time people - scrappers/pikeys - would gradually work their way inside and cut the power so they could have their way with the copper. So in the olden days the schools would then be boarded up, which evolved into using those big metal VPS shutters. They worked great for a time until DPS realised that after scrappers stripped everything from a school they were then removing and scrapping the VPS shutters too. So their solution now is genius - inch thick clear acrylic is now placed over all the openings, which is both worthless to scrappers and also almost impossible to cut into quickly for anyone wanting to get in for a nose around.