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Report - - Abandoned Lincoln Cinema & Theatre - 16/08/06 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - Abandoned Lincoln Cinema & Theatre - 16/08/06


Original Member
28DL Full Member
After visiting this place a few months back with Silverfoxxx, the other guys... Tims, Bobstar & Madmax have been gagging to go!
So last night we went out to visit three sites including this one and had a quality and very funny evening...!

My pics from last night are more based around us, as I'd taken plenty of shots on the first visit - but I'm sure the others in urbanfootprints took plenty of new ones... ;)

Anyway enjoy:

1. The walk up
2. Sixxfingers on the drums
3. Bobstar in Beautiful South!
4. Film Storage Cabinet
5. Film Storage Cabinet
6. Madmax on the go...
7. Silverfoxxx on the roof
8. ...and Tims taking pics of the Cathedral :D


28DL Full Member
Re: Abandoned Lincoln Cinema & Theatre REPORT

Quailty place.
Being a big film fan it was great to get into the old projection booth etc...
croda 1.jpg croda 31.jpg croda 26.jpg croda 5.jpg tract-06.jpg
It's weird that they removed all the seats apart from Three right at the back.


Re: Abandoned Lincoln Cinema & Theatre - 16/08/06 - REPORT

well it was worth the wait, i loved it in there and the view of hte cathedral is great:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

nice explore and good for photos, enjoyed the playing with light.