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Report - - Abandoned military vehicle near Guildford Surrey - 2018 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Abandoned military vehicle near Guildford Surrey - 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There doesn't seem to be anything military east of Guildford. Have you any idea how it came to be there?


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
If its the one I'm thinking of there's a bunker in those woods or just next to them, my memory is fading.

There is a story of how and why it was there but again I can't remember. It over heated and seized I think but can't remember why its there.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the reply Scoobysrt. Is the bunker worth visitingor is it one of those padlocked hatch underground ones?


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I cant remember much about it and it might not even be this one, its one of those where there's bits of brick vents above ground with crap thrown down, imagine a roc post type thing but 3x the size. There was a 5ft brick shaft like a chimney that had partly fallen down, a couple of metal tubes stuck out the floor in another spot and a caved in hatch/door with steps further across. It needed a little work to gain entry and I was there at night on a flying visit with little time.
But I must stress it may not be the same woods.
Someone else will surely clarify.


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
I cant remember much about it and it might not even be this one, its one of those where there's bits of brick vents above ground with crap thrown down, imagine a roc post type thing but 3x the size. There was a 5ft brick shaft like a chimney that had partly fallen down, a couple of metal tubes stuck out the floor in another spot and a caved in hatch/door with steps further across. It needed a little work to gain entry and I was there at night on a flying visit with little time.
But I must stress it may not be the same woods.
Someone else will surely clarify.
Messaged you mate


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Having replied to your pm with the story I think we should for now ignore my posts on this thread, I simply can not remember well enough whats what. Apologies.

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