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Report - - Abandoned Train Carriages ; K & ES railway system .Nov 17 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Abandoned Train Carriages ; K & ES railway system .Nov 17

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Beautiful pics i really love old railway carriages its so true they just dont make them like that anymore.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Please can someone provide me with some directions to here? Or the tenterden one? I really want to do and do some photography but can’t seem to find anywhere directions it would be hugely appreciated

Hey hey. Are you local? I've been to both recently and am happy to go out again if you want a partner in crime (I'm Cranbrook)? Some folk don't tend to publish exact info on locations as it takes the 'explore' out on an exploration and to be honest, I quite like having to do some research - the 'find' is more satisfying this way. In any case, I found both easily enough using Google Maps. Access to the Tenterden Train Graveyard is easy enough as you only need to jump a waist-high fence and then navigate down a steepish bank - it's still an active site, a little further down the tracks, but I didn't encounter anyone. I found access to the Bodiam Train Graveyard even easier but the steam train does run right past the site and I've heard that train drivers will report anyone seen rummaging around.

What's the Wittersham Road site like @Yorrick? It looks pretty secure and active from what I can see - is it any better than Bodiam or Tenterden and worth the risk?

Cheers all


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
They've not logged in since April so don't hold your breath!

Haven't a clue, I've only seen it on a map.

Ahhhhh. I'm relatively new to this forum (and forums in general) so didn't even realise I could see such info - thanks for the nudge on this.

I might do a reccie of Wittersham in a few weeks but might be a case of asking for permission with that one, I can't risk being faced with blue flashing lights at my age lol

If you're ever in my neck of the woods @Yorrick, perhaps drop me a note as would love to do an explore with someone who's experienced at this sort of thing :thumb

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